Monday, April 10, 2006

To the Editor

Shock and Awe Round One - Iraq, 2003

Round Two - Iran, 2006????

To the Editor:

We have come to a very serious juncture in our history. Seymour Hersh, writing for the New Yorker magazine (article available online here) has reported that George W. Bush, President of these United States, is seriously considering plans to attack Iran including the option of using nuclear weapons such as the B61-11 “bunker buster.” This is in spite of rhetoric emanating from the White House that he is trying to solve the problem of Iran’s nuclear program using diplomacy. (The promise that diplomacy was being used was also bruited before the debacle of the current War in Iraq. We now know that this was a charade.)

For the sake of our children, we cannot let this insanity concerning nuclear weapons to continue. First use of nuclear weapons against Iran would result in the deaths of many innocent people including children. The invisible fallout would render large areas uninhabitable for years in an area that exists on subsistence agriculture. The potential retaliation from the rest of the world might well precipitate World War III, something from which our children would never recover, if they survived.

Please contact your Representative and Senators and voice your dismay at this mistaken direction that the President is considering. Our representatives in Congress are the only hope left to reverse this ominous development.

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