Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Only Solution

It is possible that the only solution to the horror that is Iraq is to get the United States out of there and a UN peacekeeping force in place. There are many countries that have not participated in the infamous "Coalition of the Willing" that could send blue helmets. It is insane to think that the situation will stabilize under the current "government" in Iraq with American armed forces in a billion dollar embassy and permanent bases. Not only is this "government" almost powerless, it is opposed by a significant, armed segment of the population. A segment that is not going to disappear into the night.

The necessity of a very large (200-300,000) peacekeeping force can be gauged by the inability of 130,000 U.S. troops to quell the insurgency. There is nothing but an endless stream of bombs, bodies, death, and destruction. The guilt of America is high. It will have to be addressed after the situation is better.

The cost of the UN peacekeeping should be bourne entirely by the United States. It most certainly will be less than the $1 trillion that has been spent on War. American contractors, including the criminal Kellog-Brown-Root will have to leave. Where at all possible, mid-East and European construction firms should be employed.

Will this happen? Not while our Boy King is still "deciding."

Should this happen? Of course.


markfromireland said...

I agree but as somebody with a lot peacekeeper experience I can see the objections that will be raised. They'll go something like this:

The problem with that is that the UN has shag all legitimacy in Iraqi eyes. (True)

They haven't forgotten that the sanctions were under UN auspices. They haven't forgotten the way the UN staff responsible for running the sanctions behaved in Iraq. (True)

They haven't forgotten how the UN cut and ran the moment their HQ was bombed.

I could go on but my blood would start to boil. That corrupt little wanker Annan has really screwed things up badly.

Given my professional experience as a peace keeper whenever I'm asked about this option my reply is yet it possible but ..... and list the problems above.

The other problem is who'll donate the troops? The Germans and the French have good gendarmerie experience as do the Spanish. Ditto us. But we've been badly burned before. The other problem is that the other acceptable countries with large numbers of troops tend to be from Muslim countries and would therefore be seen as "partis pris."

Godawful mess - it's doable but there'd have to be a massive diplomatic push as well and as long as Annan is there I don't see that happening.

Dr. C said...

I was hoping that you would comment on this. I wish I were younger and I would, for sure, be in UNICEF or UNESCO. I was going to do it once upon a time. Why I didn't I don't know. I've always respected your experience and we are in a god awful mess. Sorry to hear that Anan is such a wanker. Maybe we should have a Norwegian or Spanish or, heh, heh, that excellent lady from Ireland. Mary Robinson, leading the UN. All I know is that we've got to do something or the balloon is going up.