Sunday, April 30, 2006

Games? Games? GAMES?

"I think they are playing games."
"The international community is completely of one mind, that no one wants, needs or really can tolerate a nuclear-armed Iran in the midst of the world's most volatile region. That is the consistent view," Rice told CNN's "Late Edition."
Excuse me, but what about Israel?
By the late 1990s the U.S. Intelligence Community estimated that Israel possessed between 75-130 weapons, based on production estimates. The stockpile would certainly include warheads for mobile Jericho-1 and Jericho-2 missiles, as well as bombs for Israeli aircraft, and may include other tactical nuclear weapons of various types. Some published estimates even claimed that Israel might have as many as 400 nuclear weapons by the late 1990s.(emphasis added)
It doesn't take a rocket scientist (sic) to figure out that any country in the mid East with nuclear weapons can't be tolerated. What about that Dr. Rice? (oh, the irony of that Doctor)

1 comment:

markfromireland said...

"The international community is completely of one mind, that no one wants, needs or really can tolerate a nuclear-armed Iran in the midst of the world's most volatile region. That is the consistent view,"

ummm except for the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians .... the worst of all worlds is to have just one country with them. Particularly when that country is run by a bunch of militarist thugs.

PS: Happy Mayday. I'm sure the irony of the fact that "mayday" is an international distress call won't escape you.