Sunday, April 30, 2006

An Air Force of One (Air Force One?)

Man Buys Fighter Jet on EBay

BEIJING - A Chinese businessman has bought a MiG-21f plane from a U.S. seller on the online auction Web site eBay for $24,730 and plans to use it to decorate an empty space at his offices, a newspaper reported Sunday.
"I like to collect valuable items. I have the buying power and my company has an empty space where I can display the plane," the newspaper quoted Zhang as saying.
Right! Ain't no terrists goin to get him.

On the other hand:

"There is the precedent of a Chinese company buying a retired aircraft carrier, but I don't know if this jet plane is a banned item," Zhang reportedly said.

Probably this one:

Ah, those inscrutable Chinese.

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