Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Sunday and the Stupidity Shield

I think I remember from my distant past that this is a day when we are supposed to rejoice. I wish we could. I promise to return to snark tomorrow, since snark may be the only shield against stupidity. Let me direct you to three things:

1. There is an excellent post up in the Seattle Times entitled Coming home — disillusioned by an Iraqi war vetern (x2). This is an intelligent man who has seen Iraq first hand as opposed to the bloviating idiots that fill our airways and White Houses. Read it and weep.

2. Juan Cole yesterday sent us to this photo link. Here is one of the more benign ones:

A child listens as U.S. soldiers question his father about an attack in the Abu Ghraib district of Baghdad on April 1.

How can we continue to do this to these people? And, how can we nuke children like this? How can we even think about it? Shouldn't there be something in the moral makeup of a person that immediately reacts in disgust and horror when it thinks of using nuclear weapons on children? And, trust me, there will be children killed. Ah, but then I forgot.

Kitchner had no trouble sending millions to be butchered. (See Oh! What a Lovely War!)

3. Finally, AMERICAblog recaps the NYT Editorial that is a smack down to the WaPo Editorial last week about the "Good Leak." (If you don't know the background, AMERICAblog summarizes it.) They make the following observation:
Bush didn't declassify the document until AFTER he authorized it to be leaked AND apparently AFTER it was leaked. That means he authorized the leak of still-classified material, which is a crime.
They go further to say:
It looks like Patrick Fitzgerald may have now stumbled upon proof that George Bush engaged in an illegal conspiracy to transmit classified information to parties unauthorized to receive such information, and he did it for malicious reasons.

Whether or not Valerie Plame's name is involved, it's looking a lot like Fitzgerald may have just nailed Bush and Cheney.(emphasis added)
May I make a humble observation? On the one hand we have a President who is mentally challanged having to decide whether to nuke Iraq and on the other hand defend against a probable impeachable offense. This isn't a good mix. While Iraq has been centrifuging uranium, Bush has been courting disaster.

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