Friday, April 07, 2006

Out of the Mouths of Mothers

Cindy Sheehan speaks out on the Anti-War movement:
Recently, a blog written by an acquaintance, Scott Ritter, on AlterNet was called to my attention, where Scott, who is a self-proclaimed Republican conservative who courageously opposed this war from the beginning, is predicting the eminent demise of the anti-war movement.
The anti-war movement is not on the "verge of collapse" because we are not organized, or because we don't take a "warrior's" view of attacking the neo-cons and the war machine using the tactics of Napoleon, or Sun Tzu - but because the two-thirds of Americans who philosophically agree that the war is wrong, BushCo lied, and the troops should come home will not get off of their collective, complacent, and comfortable behinds to demonstrate their dissent with our government.(emphasis added)

I do look on the change of the name from the "Peace" movement to the "Anti-War" movement as a step forward. While, as Ritter points out, there are a lot of ancillary issues that ride along with the "Peace" movement, we have to concentrate on the really big thing, War. (Ms. Sheehan feels it should be the "Peace" movement).

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