Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Just Think If He had Lied about Sex

ANKARA (Reuters) - An official in Turkey's ruling party has been arrested for chewing gum while laying a wreath at a monument to the country's revered founder Kemal Ataturk, the state Anatolian news agency said Monday.

Veysel Dalci, head of the local branch of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the Black Sea town of Fatsa, was charged with insulting Ataturk's memory during Sunday's ceremony marking Turkey's National Sovereignty Day.
Meanwhile, Little Scotty goes out in style (From First Draft):
The leaking of classified information is a very serious matter. And the unauthorized disclosure of classified information can severely harm our national security. We have talked previously about the terrorist surveillance program and how the unauthorized disclosure of that program has shown the enemy our playbook. We are engaged in a difficult and long war against a bunch of ideological extremists who want to do everything they can to stop the advance of freedom in this world and want to harm innocent Americans and innocent people in the civilized world. And that's why it's important that we not show them our playbook. So the leaking of classified information is a matter that the President takes very seriously.
You know, I think he really believes this. He'll go back to Texas believeing it. Now to get ready for the Snow Job.

1 comment:

markfromireland said...

To be fair chewing gum in public (especially by men) is considered to be ... sorry, no other words for it ... fucking rude in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Saudi. I wouldn't have arrested him but then I'm not Turkish and the "Attaturk cult" is very real there.

The sex thing is so disappointing. A blow job is what's needed, stains on a blue carpet .... where's Jeff Gannon when the world needs him?????????

G'night doc.