Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Time Has Come, The Walrus Said

Having slept a night on Seymour Hersh's devastating news, I am not feeling much better this AM. What does one do when confronted with a crisis that can literally effect every last living thing on the earth? Punt?
'The time has come,' the Walrus said,
'To talk of many things:
Of shoes - and ships - and sealing-wax -
Of cabbages - and kings -
And why the sea is boiling hot -
And whether pigs have wings.'
To recapitulate in a sentence:

George W. Bush is planning to go to War with Iran and he is very likely to use nuclear weapons in that War.

This is in spite of the clear Constitutional requirement that Congress declare War (as if that ever deterred him in the past.)

And this, be rest assured, is not something in the future like global warming (though that is out there too). This is something that is going to happen before the elections in November. (Why the fate of the World should rest on mid-term elections in a country that is less than 250 years old is a subject for future historians, if any.)

We must do something. It is as simple as that.

The age old question is, of course, "What?"

But, if we are going down, let us go down fighting.


For Americans:
1. Call, write, email or FAX your Congressperson.
2. Call, write, email or FAX your Senator.
3. Call, write, email or FAX the White House (yea).
4. Letters to the Editor in local papers. They are the just about the only thing that everybody reads anymore. Please trust me on this one.
5. Talk to your friends. Talk to your doctor. Talk to your dentist.
6. Support resolutions of impeachment such as that in Vermont.

For Iranians:
1. Please, please, please try and defuse this situation. If we can get through November, there is a chance. If we go to the brink before then, we are all dead. (I know, this is not really your fault. I know, we are imperialists. I know, we have sat complaisantly for five and one-half years hoping it would get better. But, a nuked Iran will not serve anybody's purposes.)

For Israelis:
1. The world is aware that you have 200-300 nuclear weapons. Please do not use them. While you may think that you are safe behind such an arsenal, you are not. Furthermore, you cannot nuke the whole world. One would think that you might value survival of your children over spite.

For all the other, sane people in the world:
1. Please let your governments know that you will ostracize the United States should Bush do this insane thing.
2. I don't know what else to say to you. We have mucked up in a big way, maybe terminally. It is sort of sad. When I was a child, America held out great promise to the World.

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