Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hello, NOAA?

Bush: Hello, NOAA?

Noah: Yes, this is Noah, the smart guy.

B: This is the Preznit. I want them Oceany and Air head guys.

N: Sorry, mate, you got the old man. You know, this one:

B: Oh, you mean the Ararat guy, like in Kaloogian? I thought he died. They got that new one now. I think his name is Abbas. Tried to take him out with a rocket just this week. He ducked.

Mount Ararat from Eastern Turkey

N: Well, there is that. Anyway, how can I help you?

B: You know a lot about weather, so, what's the story on all these tornados? You don't think that its due to Global Warming, do you?

N: Well, you went through two lists of hurricanes last year. You even had to use the Greeks! You know, when the horse fits, lead it to water.

(Background noises of an ark being assembled. Bang, bang, bang, whack, whack)

B: What's that noise? You under a terrist attack or sumthing?

N: Naw, just building a little boat.

B: Well, are we going to have to give up our SUV's?

N: I think so, but I've got a plan. I'm going to take two of them on my "boat" (heh, heh) so that when it cools down we can let them reproduce again.

B: You got it NOAA, no birth control for SUV's. No plan B.

N: Well, I'll start working on it. Got to run now. Have to go see a man about a dog. (Actually, two of them).

B: Nice talking to you NOAA. You've been a Bible of information. Your're doing a heckuva job.

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