Thursday, March 31, 2005

1938 - The Anschluss

Hitler absorbed Austria into the Third Reich. He apparently had some help:
"There is a higher ordering, and we are all nothing else than its agents. When on 9 March, Herr Schuschnigg broke his agreement, then, in that second, I felt that now the call of Providence had come to me. And that which then took place in three days was only conceivable as the fulfillment of the wish and will of Providence. I would now give thanks to Him who let me return to my homeland in order that I might now lead it into the German Reich! Tomorrow may every German recognize the hour and measure its import and bow in humility before the Almighty, who in a few weeks has wrought a miracle upon us."
As quoted in "Kingdom of Shadows" by Allen Furst.

Let me extract:
There is a higher ordering, and we are all nothing else than its agents.
I felt that now the call of Providence had come to me.
...only conceivable as the fulfillment of the wish and will of Providence.
I would now give thanks to Him...
...bow in humility before the Almighty, who in a few weeks has wrought a miracle upon us.
Doesn't this sound like someone you've heard recently?

I am sorry, I find this beyond scary.

I wonder if I could still get back in Ireland.

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