Sunday, November 27, 2005

Not Outrage, Bemusement

I actually feel for this guy:
Warren County Community College adjunct English professor, John Daly resigned last night before the school's board of trustees began an emergency meeting to discuss the professor's fate. On November 13, Daly sent an email to student Rebecca Beach vowing "to expose [her] right-wing, anti-people politics until groups like [Rebecca's] won't dare show their face on a college campus." In addition, Daly said that "Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors."
It does sounds like he said something stupid. After all, though he was exercising freedom of speech, the Young America Fascists don't see it that way:
"More colleges and universities need to follow the lead of WCCC and integrate tolerance training for insensitive leftists," says Young America's Foundation Spokesman Jason Mattera. "John Daly is yet another Ward Churchill. Academia is filled with intolerant leftists who openly show hostility toward conservatism." (emphasis added)
Insensitive leftists? I thought it was Kerry who wanted to be sensitive. You just can't win with these guys. (Oh, and Michelle was all over this like Chicken Pox. Gave her an oragami.)

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