Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Final Fantasy X (at least)

The fantasy continues:
The signs are clear, in any case, that a substantial withdrawal—or redeployment—is at hand. Top U.S. military officers have been privately warning for some time that current troop levels in Iraq cannot be sustained for another year or two without straining the Army to the breaking point. Rep. John Murtha's agenda-altering Nov. 17 call for an immediate redeployment was not only a genuine cri de coeur but also, quite explicitly, a public assertion of the military's institutional interests—and an acknowledgment of Congress' electoral interests.
You know, a bad novelist couldn't have come up with this scenario.


Anonymous said...

Hi Doc,

A friend asked me to check you out. I agree with you, we see what you see... Straight up.

It's actually worse than what they want people to know... I wish I could bring better news, but at least I am honest.

Things are starting to change, but it's going to be slow, and it's going to be a long, hard, slog to get back to where the country should be.

I am going to ask that you write some letters to help out for starters. Over 3500 people have participated in the media campaign. It will take 45 minutes of your time on top of the time spent writing... I would hope you could invest this time (and I know it is precious) a couple of times a week.

Also, it helps... It is good to vent, and know that people are listening. Not everybody will listen... But many will, and more and more people on the list are coming around. We have turned entire editorial staffs at major newspapers already.


Have a look, give it a go. It really helps...

P.S... Pass the word ;)


Dr. C said...

Thanks Fusioner,
I try to write letters as often as possible, mostly to the local, rural paper that is about as conservative as possible. I also write Congressmen/women. Keep up the good work.