Monday, December 12, 2005

Let there be an Accounting

Let me get this straight:

1. Saddam Hussein is not a good man. Agreed?
2. Saddam Hussein is responsible for the death of a large number of people. 100,000?
3. Saddam Hussein is on trial for these crimes.
4. It is not known if he personally killed anyone. Nevertheless, he is held responsible for these deaths. He may suffer the ultimate consequence.

1. Since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, over 100,000 Iraqi civilians have died including countless children. They have died during "Shock and Awe," the merciless attack on Bagdhad in March, 2003, and they have died in Fallujah. And, yes, they have died at the hands of insurgent suicide bombers.

Who will be held responsible for the civilian deaths in Iraq?


not in use said...

I can't help wondering if that picture makes Bush feel as sick as it makes me feel.

Actually, I can't help wondering if he even gives a shit.

Dr. C said...

In order to give a shit you have to have some sort of human brain that's not been fried in alcohol.