Monday, December 19, 2005

Extinct Species Sighted

An extinct species was sighted in Yellowstone Park today. The lowly snoMobil was felt to have died off in the late 20th century. However, avid watchers scoured Yellowstone park and achieved this rare picture.

The snoMobil is known for it noisy call. Some people liken it to "Varummmm, Varumm." Unfortunately, it is also very destructive to the environment and its extinction was greeted with great joy by some groups (the reviled "damn treehuggers"). However, those of the tribe erythema nucum never gave up searching for snoMobil as the above picture demonstrates.

(Incidentally, the other "thing" in the photo is known as a bison. It also was felt to be extinct but no one gives a damn about it. Its just one of God's creatures.)

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