Saturday, October 07, 2006

Fool me once....

I can't help thinking, along with Glenn Greenwald, that the scandal concerning Representative Foley is just too damaging to the Republican Party to be true. There has to be something else going on in the background. Why would the ultimate, Machiavellian operative, Karl Rove, have ever let anything like this happen? Could it possibly be true that he was so busy spying and concocting smears on the Democrats that he forgot to look around his own back yard? No, I just can't believe it. There must be a subtext.

Now there is an advantage to letting this thing run into the ground. It distracts from the very real issues that face the Nation. Arguably, this is the most crucial juncture in our history, even more so than the Civil War. Having the voters worrying about sex, even predator sex, is preferable to their focusing on the unmitigated disasters of Iraq, torture and the dismantling of our Constitution.

And there is always Bush's desire to really distract by bombing Iran. The only thing there is that North Korea is going to test a bomb and Iran doesn't have one yet. But that never fazed dunder head.

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