Saturday, October 15, 2005

Indictus Interruptus

We must admit that this whole Plame affair thing has taken on the aspect of high theater (One that Harold Pinter, who just won the Nobel Prize for literature, would understand). After all, it was July 2003 that the crime took place. And it was a crime, no matter what the simpering idiots of inside the Beltway say. An agent was outed. The agent had sources ("assets") providing intelligence on WMD. Those sources were compromised. This directly affected the famous GWOT. (is the Stateside War On Terror known as SWOT? and the Stateside No-War on Terror SNOT?). But 22 months after the crime, well into the third of three acts, we still don't know diddly about what went on. Little bits and pieces trickle out. Maybe tomorrow when "her fellow reporters" write about Miss Judy (she even looks like Garland) we will learn more. Don't bet on it.

We have been kept on tenter hooks and any information that we obtain at this point will be anticlimatic, I can guarantee it. What can Fitzgerald, a good Republican, do? If he indicts Rove and Libby with Cheney as a co-conspirator, we will be forced into a constitutional crisis because, as pointed out before, we are not a parlimentary democracy. We can't remove the government except every four years and we, the dumb idiots that we are, passed up the chance in 2004. Oh, that we were such a government and the will of the people could be more rapidly effected. If these indictments come down, I am not sure we can make it to 2008.

And this must be Fitzgerald's quandry. And this is why this fracas might very well come to nought. And this is why I predict that Fitzgerald may say "naughty, naughty" but won't go with the big I. It will be an interesting two weeks.

Why did this picture look familiar? Well, I think it is the neck. Note the neck on that bruiser to the right. This is the same neck I saw in Teheran in the basement of a bank where they had the peacock throne on display. O.K. it was 1971 and the Shah was still around. But the neck was on all of the gang of opperatives making sure no one picked any sapphires or rubies off the throne. They had "Shah" stamped all over them. They had the universal mark of the tyrant's men: the neck.

Oh, I almost forgot. What about the Downing Street Memo? Could all this be a mighty distraction and, after the hand slapping is over we will be asked to
"Move along, folks, just move along. Nothing to see here."

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