Friday, August 19, 2005

Cathy Sheehan?

Our local paper reports on a vigil:
Chestertown vigil supports Cathy Sheehan
Then in the article it says "to show support for Cathy Sheehan" and the picture caption says "support of Cathy Sheehan." Who's Cathy Sheehan?

Awhile back (Saturday, August 06, 2005 - On Bloopers and Free Will) I blogged about S. Freud and the origin of the psychiatric concept of the unconscious. It is quite likely that this concept arose out of his observations of what we now call "Freudian Slips."
My local paper is strongly conservative. I would hypothesize that this Freudian slip of 'Cathy' for 'Cindy' is an unconscious attempt to downplay or trivialize this truly heroic woman. After all, I assume that this made it past an editor.

Then again, it might just be a goof, except Sigmund would say there is no such thing as a meaningless 'goof.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just received a negative email regarding Cindy Sheehan. I am wondering if it is true - it states she abandoned her son when he was little and is using this "issue" for pursue her feminist plight! Is this just more spin from the Republicans???