Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Why is this man not in Louisiana? Why is he talking about Iraq when his own country has been devastated? Why hasn't he announced massive federal intervention in the worst natural disaster to befall our country for decades?

The "Whys" dribble off across the years.

Update: Apparently he heard me. He has cancelled his vacation. What a drag. He won't get to blow off Cindy Sheehan who was leaving anyway.


not in use said...

More to the point: What dumb f*** licenced him to sit behind the wheel of a leathal weapon?

D' Wizard said...

The first problem I have with "W" is his cowardice. I am a Vietnam Vet, and I have as much respect for Abbie Hoffman as I do for John McCain. They both got involved. Here was the single biggest event going on for Americans on the planet. How could you not be there. Whether pro or con. But he and Dan Quayle and their ilk were not. As Big Daddy said to Brick, "What's that I smell?"

On the other hand, being a vet I remember that the greatest danger I faced was not the enemy, but my own fellow soldiers. I was wounded, not by the enemy, but accidentally by a guy from Connecticut. So, I'm kind of glad in some respects that "W" was not there. He's what we always referred to as "a fuck-up". Now he's doing all he can do for America, like he did for the Texas Rangers and that oil company he started.

Dr. C said...

Thanks for stopping by D'Wizard.

Although I was not in Vietnam, it was the defining experience of my life. Deja Vu all over.