Thursday, July 28, 2005

What have you got to hide?

SGO at the Liberal Avenger (real LA on vacation) spins off the Rude Pundit and proposes that we "Socratize" the debate. Simply always ask, e.g. about Bolton, about Roberts, about Rove, about Iraq:

What have you got to hide?

I do think this meme has feet. I'll try it in our local newspaper vis a vis our Dear Gov and his budget surplus. Stay tuned.


mikey said...


Maybe I should try one in my local paper, too. I think my theme will be:

What have you ever done to help?

Redjalapeno said...

There was certainly no shortage of "what have you got to hide?" accusations as the baseless White Water investigation morphed into this-gate and that-gate until it finally settled on Monica-gate.

Dr. C said...

O.K. Mikey, I give up. What HAVE you done to help?