Saturday, October 31, 2009

Crabs in the Time of Swine Flu - II

First, a correction:

An astute reader observed that this enticing crab actually appeared to be supra sol last week. We apologize for the error and present the crab in all its depicted splendor, sub sol and sunny side up.

All the elements of a great crab though the eye placement is a little clammy.

What can one say when approached with the absolute genius of the crab. Genuflect, please.

Mother's always want to get into the act. It takes a strong hand to keep them on the sidelines. This one has potential to be a future "Sikorsky" mom.

I Don't know where Alexis got this but it shows an excellent appreciation for the articulated appendages of Mr. Crab. Note also the double smiles. I don't care what people say, kids are inherently happy.

It is Halloween, after all.

People and balloons, if you will.

Absolutely refused to draw a crab. Insisted on a turtle. So, there you go. Not sure what is on the shell. But then, I am not a herpetologist.

1 comment:

Felix said...

I do love Crabdays :-)