Monday, March 06, 2006

the Devil in the Details

Last week, our President concluded a nuclear deal with India. There are many reasons to object to this, including the fact that it rewards India for thumbing its nose at non-Proliferation. (India and Pakistan have also refused to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban treaty, as has the US). There is some resistance to this treaty in Congress, but with the Republican majority in the Senate, it will probably go through.
"The deal is a disaster for the nuclear non-proliferation regime on the planet," agreed Democratic Rep. Edward Markey, a leading proliferation specialist in the U.S. Congress, who is expected to spearhead efforts to defeat the accord as signed.
Just like the Port deal with the UAE, this is a business deal. It opens up India for big corporations both in the nuclear, non nuclear and defense industries. They are salivating.

But, the devil is in the details. There is a coda to the cited article:
Not only will the deal enable India to accelerate its development of nuclear weapons, but it may also contribute to an increase in tensions between India and China, which, according to Circincione, is already reported to be considering a similar accord with Pakistan -- another nuclear power that has defied the NPT.
Now if this isn't just the cat's meow. We'll have two surrogates nuking it out on mainland Asia. Of course, the sponsers can still hurl them across the Pacfic.

Dig your bunkers.

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