Saturday, March 25, 2006


I provide medical care to a wide range of people who are probably immigrants and who may not be here legally. I don't really care. So, it is with some concern that I finally checked up on this new immigration bill and read this at Kos:
The "Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005" (H.R. 4437) is a Republican piece of legislation which would not only makes felons out of the millions of undocumented immigrants already in the United States, but it would also make it a crime to provide any assistance to those immigrants, if you know they are undocumented. (emphasis added)
I have no intention of checking whether a patient who comes to see me is a legal or illegal alien. If they don't look like E.T., we don't ask. So, Mr. Gonzales, if you are reading and filtering this through your NSA filter for subversives, I dare you to come around and arrest me for delivering medical care. You'd better wear your Kevlar ear armor. People can get pretty testy under the circumstances and you might get a snoot full.


Redjalapeno said...

The Senate removed that portion of the bill today.

Dr. C said...

If they didn't, they would have had an awful lot of angry people in LA.