Monday, March 20, 2006


One should always be open to correcting mistakes. In a posting below (Thursday, March 16, 2006 The Mind Set of Intolerance) I argued that Islam was being wrongly presented. Suffice it to say, when I was directed here by, I changed my mind:
Aghan Faces Death Penalty for Converting to Christianity
Judge Says He Could Escape Punishment If He's Ruled Insane


KABUL, Afghanistan, March 20, 2006 — Despite the overthrow of the fundamentalist Taliban government and the presence of 22,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, a man who converted to Christianity is being prosecuted in Kabul, and a judge said Sunday that if convicted, he faces the death penalty.
Clearly, I was wrong. It seems like both sides have their Pat Robertsons and Judge Alitos.


markfromireland said...

Yes every religion and every political ideology has it's Torquemada's, its Savanoralas, and its Stalins or Hitlers.

What that article doesn't mention is that the Afghan minister for justice is one of the Taliban affiliated members of the cabinet. What it also doesn't mention (grip your seat for this one) is that that poor man is being prosecuted under a law introduced by the Taliban. A fact I only learnt yesterday.

I try to reconcile that story with the fact that no less than three of the men whom I commanded married Muslim girls (which is also strictly forbidden) and that nothing happenened other than the wildest (and driest) wedding parties I've ever been to in my life. This was at the height of the Lebanese civil war when if the various Lebanese factions got bored with killing each other they'd make concentrated efforts to polish us (the UN peacekeeper contingent) off for a little light entertainment.

When my late wife was killed my son Dubhaltach was "taken on" by a very strictly Shia lady who had good reason to hate Christians but didn't. She treated him exactly like her own sons - lots of love, discipline when he needed it, followed by lots of love, he calls her "maman" and thinks of her as his "other mother" to this day.

Extreme circumstances produce extreme assholes, no I take that back, there are extreme assholes everywhere, extreme circumstances just brings 'em out in greater numbers and gives them the chance to flourish.

Belated happy St. Paddy's day :-)

Dr. C said...

Thanks for the comment. I sort of lashed out without thinking it was so outrageous. Of course there are as many sects in Islam as in any major religion and I should have known that it was the Taliban. I suspect many, if not a majority, of Muslims would condemn this decision.
Sounds like you've had an interesting life. I am going to post a pic from Ireland soon. Stay tuned.
Dr. C.

Redjalapeno said...

Mark is dead on: extremists are everywhere.

Somebody told me 'cool' was made to lose once in a while, wise words.

markfromireland said...

It is damned well outrageous and I thoroughly second Redjalapeno's comment anent cool and the losing thereof. There are times when its the only reasonable reaction.

Life has sometimes been interesting in the "may you live in interesting times" sense of the word mostly it's just interesting :-)

Duly stayng tuned - I've got a nice photo of one of my favourite spots back home both at my blogger blog which I crossposted to my markfromireland wordpress blog feel free to "steal" it if you're interested. In both places the posting with the photo is the one called "I nGleanntaibh ceoigh - why I say “no”"

Dr. C said...

MFI, Thanks again. As you can see, I finally got around to getting your blog on my tiny blog roll. Please keep up the posting, keep up holding our feet to the fire. As Georgia10 said over on KOS, all we can do is vote and write. It is so frustrating. Even the Feingold resolution was greeted with a wall of silence.