Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bill Frist (and the rest of us) at the Edge

Glenn Greenwald, that new blogger who is so extraordinary, has a very prescient piece up about Bill Frist threatening to restructure the Intelligence Committee in order to block it from doing its job. That is, block it from looking into use of the NSA (I originally say NSF, for National Science Foundation; bad me) to spy on Americans.

First, it is not clear that we are all going to survive the next three years. If the demonstrations in India and Pakistan are any indication, the animosity of the World against the United States is growing exponentially. At some point the scales will tip. What will happen then is anybody's guess.

I am going to blog in the coming week about Arthur Silber, another amazing writer. His stuff is truly out there at the most provacative. He does refer to one scenario that has been around for some time: If Iraq goes to full scale Civil War, or if the U.S. attempts to "take out" Iran's nuclear industry, this could precipitate a massive crisis in the mid-East. At some point, Israel might use one of her many nuclear weapons. At this juncture, there will probably be a coup d'etat in Pakistan with hard line Muslims taking over. They will do everything in their power to use Pakistan's nuclear weapons against Israel (and the US, Britain, etc.). India might see this as a chance to attack Pakistan with nukes. And, my friends, we are in for a conflagration.

Where we went wrong is not enforcing the non-Proliferation treaty on Israel, Pakistan and India. There are just too many nuclear weapons out there for one not to be used in a general conflagration.

Radiation sickness is a pretty lousy way to die.

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