Saturday, December 31, 2005

Irony and Pity = ?

Apparently the U.S. Government of Iraq is unhappy with the bad press that the Iraqi "Special Police" are getting. You remember, they're the ones that had a prison where detainee's were "emaciated" and had been "tortured." Well, we are going to put some America Soldiers with these units so that:
"What we're trying to look for is that moderation," a senior official told the Los Angeles Times, "that you can't just go and attack that neighbourhood because it's primarily a different sect or a different race or a group of foreigners ... and just arrest them because they're different and put them in secret facilities and hold them for undetermined periods of time." (emphasis added)
Oh, Really? Since when. Did the Boss aprove this?

Oh, Aristotle, where did we go wrong?

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