Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Musical Chairs

This just in:
Washington, AP. In an ongoing series of surprises, Dick "Big Time" Cheney and his chief of staff, I. "Scooter" Libby, accepted a lateral offer by the Likuds East to fill vacancies that, as Coach "Sherry" Sharon indicated "occasionally come up." Big Time and Scooter also felt that potential time out sanctions by "Fitzy" Fitztgerald might interfere with their play time and that the stadium in Tel Aviv offered more opportunites. Big bonuses were rumored when they signed.
So, what's Coach "Air Guitar" Bush going to do? We here at Central have it from a firm source, speaking sotto voce so as not to be indicted, that Air Head will fill his roster with a pick from the Supremes, Far Right Division. The likely candidate for the VP slot will be "Scallions" Scalia, who has been itching to get across town for some time ever since Haliburton was providing free booze and sex (Jeff Gannon in the stable) for likely players.

Even with his first round draft pick of "Dark Eyes" Miers right out of his own paddock
to fill an empty spot when "Sand Lot" O'Conner retired, this still leaves another place on the Supremes. I have it from my previously mentioned impeccable source that Tom "Bug Man" Delay has agreed to step up to the plate to fill Scallion's shoes. Bug Man, who is also know as the Exterminator, thought he could "mix it up" with the Big Boys on this team. He didn't think there would be any conflict of interest when his case came before Them. "I'm pure as the driven snow," he said in an interview.

Let me recapitulate, sort of a "whose on first." Bug Man to Scallion (with an assist by Dark Eyes) for Big Time and Scooter scores.

Oh, I almost forgot. "Not-Jenna" NotJenna and her sister, "Not-Not Jenna" Jenna just got picked to the Baghdad Baddies. Man, their luck is awesome.

Whew! Air Head keeps mine spinning.

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