Saturday, October 29, 2005

Last one to the Fallout Shelter is a Rotten Egg!

Hunter at DailyKos has a very prescient analysis of the Libby idictments entitled: Will There Be More Indictments?. I won't pretend to get into the nuances of it all. Suffice it to say that this Administration is in deep doo-doo. If I were in the White House, I would be running for the Fallout Shelters.

These were a fixture in my youth. We used to practice getting under our desks in elementary school (called grammer school then.) We even wore dog tags! However, most of us swapped them with our boy/girl friends so anyone macabre enough to go sorting through a lot of nuked 7 year olds would have been very confused. The whole thought of it now makes me wonder at our sanity.

My father took me to a science exhibit at the local field house about that time. In one room that had a simulated atomic attack. Around the walls was an outline of a city. The lights went out, there was the sound of an explosion, and the buildings came down and a wreckage appeared. I didn't sleep for months I was so scared.

It is unfortunate that George Bush, Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby didn't see the same exhibit. Then again, they might have laughed.

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