This little guy just got in from rowing a galley for Ben Hur ("Ramming speed, Hortator!".) (Ben Hur was written by Lew Wallace, an incredibly interesting man. He was Governor of the New Mexico territory when Billy the Kid was doing his thing.)

A Curmudgeon Doc on the Eastern Shore of Maryland wondering what has happened to my country.
What I can't identify is the thing to the left of the Jurassic crab: is it a coprolite?
Never mind the thing next to the crab ... I'm fascinated by the Jurassic acrobat on the camera left edge of the picture! A Jurassic prefiguring of Pris (the Daryl Hannah character) in Blade Runner.
Moving to the delightful range of other crabs on offer this week:
Hands up!!!
Celebrity crab surprised by paparazzo.
Joie de vivre à lever du soleil.
Crabby Bussell performs Swan Lake.
A young Crabe Ruth shows off his mitt.
The chorus from Swan Lake
An audience member having a whale of a time enjoying Swan Lake.
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