Friday, September 15, 2006

Can you believe it?

A Defining Moment for America
The president goes to Capitol Hill to lobby for torture.

Do you believe that this is an editorial in the Washington Post? One of the most prestigious newspapers in the World. I mean, the President of the United State lobbying for torture!

At some point we have to agree that the man is losing his grip on reality. He must be removed from power. We can't wait two years. This leaves only one solution: Impeachment

God help us.

1 comment:

Mark "Rizzn" Hopkins said...

Of course, once you see what kind of torture methods we're actually using, it puts it in perspective alittle bit.


"Scar tissue that I wish you saw... sarcastic mister know it all.."

Listening to much of that blather, and I'd tell you what you want to know.

And no one's head get's chopped off in the process. A mite better than Arab tactics, yes?