Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Crab Blogging

Davis renders an abstract impressionist crab.

A while back we discussed how to tell male and female crabs apart. It has to do with their apron being either the Capitol or the Washington Monument. The males are, as Michalea has indicated, "Jimmys," and the females are "Sooks." (though the word "sook" apparently means "baby" in Southwest England.). Another way to distinguish females is that they, like their more human counterparts, paint their nails.

Note the red fingernails. Makes me think of Lady Macbeth.

Boys, of course, have blue fingers.

I wasn't wearing a yellow shirt but it is still a good likeness.


Julie Heyward said...

The first one is a chubby bird seen from the rear, looking back over its shoulder. The second is clearly directing an airplane on the tarmac. The third one -- cheerleaders? Do crabs play football?

Dr. C's portrait is good but I'm not seeing the Washington Monument ... perhaps it was a cold day (note the blue long underwear).

Dr. C said...

Lady Macbeth strikes again!

Felix said...

I'm always impressed by the number of smiles amongst your crabs...


Dr. C said...

Thanks for stopping by. There's a joke in there involving Sarah Palin and lipstick but I can't quite figure it out.