Abu Dhabi opens doors for poetry competition in camel beauty
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Update II: Please see much more at Camel poetry...
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Update II: Please see much more at Camel poetry...

Poetry competition seeks best descriptive poems of camels as part of Al Dhafra Festival 2010.
Down amongst all your travels,
The best will be on spotted camels.
Camels with their nose so rare
Camels with their coat so fair
(A sporty coat of camel hair)
Walking gayly across the dunes
Singing songs and humming tunes.
The camel is a noble beast,
His I.Q. is the very least
His brain is grand (on other hand)
The Einstein of the Arab sand.
And when the subject turns to water
The camel is the beast who oughter
Be the one who comes to mind
For such a one you'll never find
Who miles and miles he can traverse
And then he does it in reverse
Without a trip to head or loo
Don't you wish that you could too?
We have several more entries from across the pond:
There once was a camel I rode
Who thought me too much of a load
So he turned his head
And bit my leg
Aod off his back I was throwed.
Comment: a worthy entry, a little back biting, but, what the heck...
Secondly, an opus:
I don't need no elephant's trunk,
Or do gas warfare like a skunk,
I'm a ship that can't be sunk,
My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps,
My lovely camel lumps.
I've got an adaptation,
Controls my urination,
They love my ungulation,
To reach their destination,
On barchan and in wadi,
Across the Rub' al Khali
Without a drink of water,
Across the Empty Quarter,
My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps,
My lovely camel lumps.
A dromedary's lacking,
You send that creature packing,
The Bactrain is true-o,
Because it's got a duo.
My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps,
My lovely camel lumps,
In the back and in the front.
This is almost too good to be true
I am no fan of Black Eyed Peas but it seems to eclipse their lyric:
What you gon' do with all that junk?
All that junk inside your trunk?
I'ma get, get, get, get, you drunk,
Get you love drunk off my hump.
My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump,
My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely little lumps (Check it out)
And don't forget the Chickenwing camel clutch as is found in our mother organization.
There once was a camel I rode
Who thought me too much of a load
So he turned his head
And bit my leg
Aod off his back I was throwed.
That should, of course, read:
"And off his back..."
Duh ... am I slow, or what?
I only just recognised the homage to Kipling's Gunga Din. Very good!!! :-)
Blush. Wish I could say it. More like Rilke (yuk, yuk)
Chicken wing camel clutch!
Dragon sleeper! Muta lock!
Cobra clutch! Koji clutch!
Gogoplata! Key lock!
I don't need no elephant's trunk,
Or do gas warfare like a skunk,
I'm a ship that can't be sunk,
My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps,
My lovely camel lumps.
I've got an adaptation,
Controls my urination,
They love my ungulation,
To reach their destination,
On barchan and in wadi,
Across the Rub' al Khali
Without a drink of water,
Across the Empty Quarter,
My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps,
My lovely camel lumps.
A dromedary's lacking,
You send that creature packing,
The Bactrain is true-o,
Because it's got a duo.
My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps,
My lovely camel lumps,
In the back and in the front.
Thanks for promoting my offering - but I've since discovered that I must be one of the few people in the known universe not to have previously written a camel-based parody of this one.
PS: I rather like My Humps - the whole point of it being that it's anti-rap; the female narrator is actually rejecting these crass men, and exploiting them for their obsession with her "humps". The Alanis Morissette spoof cover - done as a soulful ballad - is rather brilliant too.
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