Saturday, February 07, 2009


Every man/woman (Senator) an economist:
THE $780 BILLION stimulus package deal reached by a bipartisan group of senators and the White House Friday was the culmination of a frenzied week that reflected two strains of politics. One embraced President Obama's attempt to rise above the partisan squabbles that too often have paralyzed Washington. Another made it clear that the old ways will die hard.
For any rational observer this is just totally bizarre. It is exactly the policies espoused by the Republican majority for eight years that got us into this mess to begin with. Why is it that more of the same will get us out?

But the real question is that now that Democrats hold a clear majority in the House and the Senate, plus the Presidency, how can the Republicans continue to wield such power? This inability of the Democrats to govern (i.e. implement the will of the majority of Americans, the basis of our government) just makes one want to scream. Apparently Republicans are looking forward to 2010 and 2012 instead of looking at the mess right before their eyes that they, in large part, created.

Politics. The Original Sin of a Democracy.


Anonymous said...

> This inability of the Democrats
> to govern (i.e. implement the
> will of the majority of
> Americans, the basis of our
> government)...


Forgive them, Doctor, for they know not what they (have already decided to) do: their free will is illusory...

> ...just makes one want to
> scream.

You must understand that whethr you scream or not has nowt to do with wanting or not wanting it: it will occur or not on the basis of that ion gate whose state I am at this very moment observing...


Dr. C said...

Let them eat chloride ions

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm ... how filling, exactly, is a chloride ion...?